Expository Essay- High School Dropouts

High School Dropouts
“How was practice? Did you finish your homework? Have you fed the dogs? Have you cleaned your room yet?” Jojo’s mom asked. Just like Jojo most students are bombarded with similar questions every day. The questions that make teens want to pull their hair out. I believe students drop out of school because of the everyday stress at school and at home.
Stress is pushed on teenagers quite often whether it’s sports, grades, or work. For example, staring at the plain- white- chipped ceiling Tom re-runs the continuous algebra equations. Shutting his eyes Tom attempts to stop thinking about the stress full day of school. Everyday thousands of teens are over pressured to fulfill needs of others. In addition, teens not only stress about grades but their curricular activities too. For example, as Brook looks into the eyes of her track coach she realizes that she is no longer doing track for her own personal satisfaction, it was for her coaches and family. Most teens tend to lose joy in their extra activities, because they worry about impressing their coaches and family.
Teens don’t just stress about school, stress occurs at home too. The screaming of his fifteen- month- old brother and the yelping of all eight puppies was making it extremely difficult for Jake to write his 295 words essay for English. Weather it be the blaring television, the bratty kids, or the annoying puppies, the house isn’t the best workplace for any student. Also, chores are a daily hassle for most teens. After track practice feeding the dogs, washing the dishes, and picking up around the house could be exhausting.
Therefore, I believe students drop out of school because the stress, not only at school, but at home too.

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