Expository Essay- Extreme Emotions

Extreme Emotions
Move! My grandmother drives better than you! Bumper to bumper traffic, horns blowing, people cursing at one another. Stressing that someone may scratch that new sparkly 2014 Impala, is much less important than stress levels. Controlling with extreme emotions such as stress on the freeway or losing grip of anger over a game of poker, can lead to a happier and healthier lifestyle.
Dealing with extreme emotions such as anger,frustration, sadness can cause not only yourself but others too, to lead a happier optimistic lifestyle. For example, by controlling your anger the people around you don’t have to worry about having a book thrown at their head, or being barked at for some little word they may have said. If anger isn’t controlled, then at any moment in time the teenager, single mom, or stressed boss could blow up like a ticking- time-bomb, just because they don’t agree with the weather forecast. Also, by controlling anger there is a higher possibility to enjoy more activities. Nobody enjoys playing a game with someone who becomes the Tasmanian devil every time they don’t make a touchdown. When anger is dealt with properly melt downs are less likely to happen.
In addition, controlling extreme emotions such as stress, can keep your body in healthier condition. If you stress too much, then you tend to either not eat enough, or eat too much. If you lose or gain too much weight, there is an endless list of health risks you could gain including: diabetes, obesity, heart problems, digestive problems, etc. Also, people tend to exercise when they are stressed, which isn’t a horrible idea, although too much could lead to serious health issues. Whether dealing with extreme emotions through exercise or eating, don’t over do it.
Weather that sparkly new Impala gets scratched or your team doesn’t score the winning touchdown, controlling your emotions is much more important.

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